Iowa Bridge & Culvert Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Repair and Sustain County Bridges & Culverts
Bridge Deck Repair
Iowa winters can wreak havoc on pavement as extreme weather accelerates PCC deterioration. Plows, deicing materials, and heavy traffic interact with bridge decks for months at a time each year, accelerating corrosion of the underlying steel and surrounding materials. This creates voids and weak spots beneath the surface that will lead to potholes and eventually compromises the structure’s integrity.
Fortunately, Class A Bridge Deck Repair can add years to a deteriorating bridge, improving the bridge’s ride and safety while saving your county money in the long-run.

Snap-Tite Culvert Lining
Denco is proud to utilize Snap-Tite HDPE Lining Systems to protect and reinforce culverts across Iowa. The Snap-Tite sliplining system can extend the life of failing metal and concrete culverts as an alternative to the expensive process of replacement. Snap-Tite piping systems can also be used as direct-bury culverts that have been shown to last longer and require less maintenance than traditional metal or concrete culverts.
Denco offers distribution and installation of this product to Iowa; view different products and dimensions on the Snap-Tite website.

Mudjacking & Pressure Grouting
Denco’s Pressure Grouting team can help you keep a close eye on the stability and conditions of your county culverts and bridge abutments. We have performed mudjacking and pressure grouting services throughout Iowa to help maintain culverts, and bridge approaches, and to raise and stabilize areas with poor compaction.
Allow Denco to assist you in monitoring the stability and conditions of your culverts and bridge abutments. Every project is unique, so request an on-site evaluation to assess the specific needs for your location.